The Role of Security & Monitoring for People, Assets and Property
Where are threats against you and your business most likely coming from?
Of course, we hear a lot of chatter about the importance of protecting our business’ digital assets, safeguarding customer data and staying safe from the growing threat of online attacks.

So with this, cyber security has shifted from a nice-to-have to an absolute necessity for businesses right around the globe.

However, despite all the talk about digital safety, the need to acknowledge physical security’s role in protecting your business has not changed.

It never has.

In fact, in light of the increasing rate of crime, gender-based violence and other malicious attacks across the country, together with Australia’s aging population, ensuring the physical safety of your people, your assets and your property has never been more important.

Please meet Nicole, Team member for almost 8 years who will walk you through this guide. 

The threat of violence, theft and property damage is still extremely prevalent

If you want to protect your business continuity, reputation, assets and resources, you need to ensure that you are actively investing in high-quality security and back-to-base alarm monitoring services.

Not only is this important for protecting your premises against malicious threats, but it also aids in the monitoring of your property’s environmental conditions, as well as the management and oversight of your people’s health and safety.

Lack of back-to-base security monitoring can be incredibly costly.

Every threat can drastically interrupt your business operations, and every one of those interruptions can prove quite costly over both the short and long term.

Unfortunately, too many businesses still underestimate the importance of physical security and alarm monitoring for their people, assets and property.

The most likely reason is that they have never experienced a loss in any of these areas before.

Of course, it’s a good thing that they haven’t experienced it, but loss can happen at any time – meaning these businesses are often drastically underprepared when it does.

Think about it: if, like most businesses, you’re trying to cut costs where possible, the last thing you need to be dealing with is stolen stock, damaged property or having to replace staff or other assets.

The reality is, you don’t need security and back-to-base monitoring until you do

It’s always better to take a proactive approach, rather than suffer a loss that most likely could have been prevented.

For this reason, we’ve put together this helpful guide, full of insights into the role that security and monitoring plays in protecting your business’ most important elements:

  • your people
  • your assets
  • your property


In doing so, we hope to help you make the right decision when it comes to ensuring the physical security of yourself, your team and your business moving forward.

Let’s start with your people.

Proactive approach to your security solutions

Your People: Protecting the human element of your business

No matter what your business does – whether it’s providing healthcare or independent living services to managing shopping centres or hospitality venues – the safety and security of the people in and around your organisation is one of your greatest priorities at all times.

Whether those people are customers, staff members, or simply members of the public passing by, they all have the same right to feel safe and secure when interacting with your organisation in any way.

Of course, several measures can be taken to help ensure “people security” for your business – but first, let’s take a closer look at this term.

What do we mean by “people security”?

As the phrase suggests, people security refers to keeping the people in and around your organisation protected from threats to their safety, security or life.

For example, if you provide independent living services to elderly clients, you’re actively working to help them maintain their sense of independence and self-reliance. 

However, you should also be working to protect their security, because things don’t always go to plan.

With an active back-to-base monitored alarm system in place, you could make threat to life devices and other systems easily available to your clients to make them feel safe and assist them in the event of a fall or another threat to their safety.

Similarly, businesses with employees who regularly spend most of their workday on their own or in precarious situations could supply their staff with Lone Worker Devices to help increase their people security and protect the human element of their organisation.

Keeping people safe in and around your business.

Why does your business need people security?

With the recent rise in gender-based violence, as well as several sudden and unprovoked attacks on members of the public, people security has become more important than ever. 

Unfortunately, many businesses still consider security and monitoring an unnecessary cost, rather than an investment in their people security and business continuity.

Think about it: If you own a hospitality venue, you invest in various marketing tactics to help attract more people to your venue. Well, investing in effective security and monitoring will do the same thing.

If your staff and patrons feel as if they will be safe and secure in and around your venue, they are going to be more likely to want to work or spend time there. 

In fact, this is true of all businesses and organisations that involve people. 

More than just helping your people feel safe, however, an active security presence, as well as the clear installation of video monitoring and alarm systems, will also work to deter people who might be inclined to threaten the safety of another customer.

People security also includes medical emergencies

Moving away from the threat of violence, another important aspect of safety and security that many businesses don’t consider is the threat to life security in the form of a medical emergency. 

Unlike features such as fire alarms, the installation and monitoring of AED Defibrillators in public settings or corporate spaces is not mandatory. However, it’s fair to assume that many people would naturally feel more at ease knowing that this potentially life-saving technology is available to them in the event they may need it.

Installing these medical devices in highly visible areas within your business is another great way to promote people security.

Likewise, medical alarm monitoring for the elderly, whether they’re living alone, in a retirement village, or in a nursing home, provides the independence they’re after while simultaneously offering their family peace of mind and reassurance that any fall or medical emergency can be swiftly responded to.

Providing independence to those most vulnerable.

These devices, monitored within a 24/7 call centre, allow ambulances or other assistance to be immediately dispatched with the push of a button, offering the elderly population an easy-to-use yet extremely effective way to stay safe at home. 

Furthermore, local councils and other public entities can also play a role in increasing the security and monitoring of people in common public areas as well. Not only will this attract more people to the area, but it will also help to boost surrounding businesses and grow the local economy.

Increasing the safety of people in public places should be a priority.

How can you make people security a priority for your business?

Before we go any further, ask yourself: 

When was the last time I identified all the risks and security threats to the people in and around my business or workplace? 

Whether you’re in a Security Manager role, or something similar, it’s crucial to ensure the decision-makers in your business understand the importance of people security and monitoring.

Remember that, not only does this help to protect the people in and around your business, but it will also help to increase your customer base and drive greater employee retention over the long term.

As humans, we all have a basic need to feel safe, and any organisation that recognises this basic need and puts in place the active measures necessary to accommodate both its staff and its customers will only naturally begin to reap the benefits. 

By working to identify all the security risks in your business, you can begin to recognise the things that you can do to address these and help your people feel safe and secure. 

Working with an expert ASIAL Grade A1 security and monitoring company like Central Monitoring Services can also help you to identify all the risks and dramatically improve the security of your people. 

Let’s move on to the next element of your business – your assets.

Protecting your income-generating assets.

Your Assets: Protecting the income-generating element of your business

As a business, your assets can come in a variety of different forms or types, largely dependent on the kind of products and services that you offer your customers. 

For example, if you’re a supermarket, your assets are going to be the fresh and packaged food and household goods that you sell. Likewise, if you’re a farmer, your assets are your livestock or the fruits, vegetables and grains that you grow and supply to supermarkets. 

Essentially, whatever your business may do, your assets are the means by which you make your money.

  • No assets = no income.


This means you need to ensure that you have a comprehensive asset security plan in place to protect your business from the threat of loss.

What do we mean by “asset security”?

While it’s normal to consider the people aspect of a business when we hear the phrase “security and monitoring”, many tend to gloss over the importance of securing their assets.

Essentially, asset security is about protecting your assets (the things that help your business make money) from any threats or unwanted situations, such as:

  • theft,
  • damage,
  • expiry, or
  • something similar.

However, we’re not just talking about malicious attacks or threats to your business.

There are also many essential businesses and organisations, such as supermarkets storing large amounts of produce in fridge freezers, as well as healthcare, medicine or IVF providers, that require their assets to be kept in a certain environment, often at an ideal temperature or climate to survive. 

If this environment were to be compromised in any way, even by something as simple as power failure, this could potentially mean catastrophic losses that would be difficult to recover from for any business. 

This is why it’s so important to consider what asset security could mean for your business.

Why does your business need asset security?

Essentially, assets are typically one of the largest expenses for any business, meaning the loss of any asset represents an immediate and unexpected financial loss.

Too many of these, and this can severely hurt your organisation. 

In an economic climate where businesses like yours are trying to cut costs and save funds by any means necessary, it only makes sense to invest in the right security monitoring solutions to help protect your business from suffering these vital asset losses. 

As an example, we recently worked with Securacore, a bureau client of ours, to help them provide a high-quality security and monitoring solution to a multi-site retail client looking to address several challenges in keeping their large volume of business assets secure. 

As part of this, the client wanted a comprehensive alarm monitoring system that could deliver on ALL aspects of asset security to ensure their business could continue to thrive with minimal risk of asset loss. 

This is why it’s so important to consider every angle when it comes to your asset security. For some businesses, it might be as simple as a theft prevention solution. For others, it may be more complex, such as monitoring the climate when storing food or critical biological assets.

  • It’s worth noting that monitoring is also important when it comes to insurance proof in the case of asset theft or loss. However, the best approach for asset security is always prevention over cure.

The best approach for asset security is always prevention over cure.

How can you make asset security a priority for your business?

If you’re an asset-heavy organisation – which, let’s face it, most businesses are – then you need to consider how asset security and monitoring can benefit your business and protect you from unforeseen losses that could have a huge impact on your bottom line. 

The first thing to do is take a long look at your inventory.

Many businesses actually underestimate the amount or the value of the assets that they have, but with a thorough audit, they soon realise just how vulnerable their business is to potentially losing a large amount of assets (and therefore, business funds) at any time.

Once you realise this, you can begin to take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen to you. 

As an example, most mechanics service their customers’ cars on-site, but many never consider their customers’ cars as an asset while ever they are on the business’ property. This means that if anything were to happen to a customer’s car while there, it could result in significant financial losses for the mechanic’s business. 

However, if they were to identify these cars as a temporary business asset and ensure an appropriate asset security and monitoring system is in place, this would drastically lower the risk to the car’s security.

Essentially, asset security is where your business really has to start thinking outside the box. Of course, if you are struggling to identify and recognise the threats to your assets, an experienced asset security and monitoring provider like Central Monitoring Services can help.

Asset security is where your business needs to start thinking outside the box.

Now, let’s consider the final element of your business security – your property.

Your Property: Protecting the physical location element of your business

As we’ve already touched on, the rate of crime has been increasing right across the country recently.

What’s more concerning, however, is that quite often, video monitoring is no longer enough of a deterrent for these criminals.

In fact, some are now filming themselves while committing the crime and live-streaming or uploading it afterward to social media for everyone to see! 

This trend is particularly prevalent when it comes to break-and-enters, theft, and damage to property. 

That’s why it’s so important for Australian businesses like yours to understand just how critical and effective property security is right now. 

Unfortunately, it’s no longer a matter of IF this will happen to your business – it’s a matter of WHEN.

What do we mean by “property security”?

While property security may sound rather obvious to you, we’re going to quickly break it down in business terms. 

Property security refers to the safety and monitoring of your business’ physical property assets, such as an office, a warehouse, a shopfront, a licensed premises, or similar. 

When it comes to property security, there are several different methods to secure and monitor your business property and protect it from the very real threat of malicious damage, break-and-enter or other related crimes.

From video and alarm monitoring systems to physical security guards and 24/7 incident response teams, a comprehensive property security and monitoring solution can help not only deter instances of crime involving your property, but also prevent it altogether.

A comprehensive security solution for business' physical property.

Why does your business need property security?

In our industry, we often find that many businesses (as well as residential clients) take their property security for granted. 

They operate under the false sense of security that as long as someone is in the building the majority of the time, then they don’t need to invest in video monitoring or an alarm system.

While this may sound all well and good, the reality is that most businesses (and homes) do not have someone there round-the-clock. This means that they’re often underprepared and unprotected when an attack on their property’s security does take place.

Focusing on homeowners for a minute, this is a trap that many have fallen into in recent years, particularly during periods of lockdown or the transition to working from home. 

However, now that these times are over, and many people are heading back into the office, it’s critical that both homeowners and businesses take the time to review their property security and alarm monitoring solutions before it is too late. 

Just as compromising people and asset security can impact your business financially, so too can attacks on your property security. The reality is, by investing in the right solutions, you may incur some costs upfront, but these pale in comparison to the costs often associated with property theft, loss or damage.

Investing in the right solution for your business and it's people.

How can you make property security a priority for your business?

Now is the time to open your mind to the very real threat to your business’ property security, and in turn, your business continuity. 

Unfortunately, this kind of security is more important than most people realise – and many only find this out once it’s too late.

Ask yourself:

  • What would an attack on my property security cost my business?
  • How would it affect our ability to continue operating?

This is where property security and monitoring begins to shift from a cost incurred to an investment in your business continuity.

Even if you conclude that you do not need a security and monitoring solution in place at all times, it’s still highly beneficial to have one installed and available to you for when you do need it.

Consider the following example: 

As experts in security and monitoring, we work with large car dealers and deliver high-quality solutions that protect the property security of dealerships right across the Sydney region. 

Often, they have several complex security needs, which means a bespoke approach is often required, such as ensuring that all alarms are responded to as soon as possible. 

Of course, any business understands that a solution such as this is a cost-intensive exercise. Yet, when weighed up against the very real threat to their business continuity if the investment wasn’t made, it becomes the only logical answer.

It’s time to get serious about your property security.

If you’re struggling to understand the impact an attack on your property security could have on your business, an expert in property security and monitoring, such as Central Monitoring Services, can help you understand exactly what you need to do.

Central Monitoring Services are experts in security and monitoring.

Prevention is always better than finding a cure

Now that you understand just how essential the role of security and monitoring is to your business’ people, assets and property, the next step to take is to devise a clear plan of action to secure and protect your business continuity.

There’s no point in waiting until it happens to you. It’s always better to take a proactive approach, rather than having to react after the damage is done.

So, sit down, take stock, and identify all the risks to your people, assets and property today. It is vital for every business to regularly undertake a risk management assessment.

Of course, if you need help from the experts, our team at Central Monitoring Services can assist you in recognising all the threats to your business security and building the ideal security and monitoring solution to mitigate these threats and protect what matters most to you.

Whether you’re a homeowner, a business professional, or a bureau looking to partner with a high-quality security provider, we’re here for you.

Discover how Central Monitoring Services can help secure and monitor your people, assets and property today

Central Monitoring Services are the experts in security monitoring across Australia.

Central Monitoring Services are the experts in residential, commercial and industrial back-to-base security monitoring across Australia.

Australian-owned and operated since 1989, our team has more than 35 years of experience in the fire and security industries, yet it’s our high level of quality customer service that truly sets us apart.

At Central Monitoring, you’re not just another number. Rather, we make ourselves available to you, day and night, with our complete security, monitoring and technical support services.

For more information or to book a consultation, call 1300 655 009 or send me or Nicole a direct message on LinkedIn today. We would love to chat with you. 

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Responsive monitoring that protects your people, property and assets.

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